Summary of changes since v2.9

Current for all merged PRs as of 31/05/2024 (v2.10.1)

Below is a summary of changes that affect the user interface and/or how EdgeTX functions. It does not cover all bug fixes. For a complete list of changes (including bug fixes), please read the release notes.

Color Screen Radios

  • New Hardware Support

    • Flysky PL18

    • Flysky PL18 EV

    • Jumper T15

  • General Changes

    • The mixer now runs at 1000Hz when in USB Joystick mode (needed for F.Sim competitors), also displays mixer run time in statistic/debug screen.

    • Minor UI improvements on many pages for better look and consistency

    • Bootloader background removed to make the text more legible

    • Default splash screen updated with new EdgeTX Logo and EdgeTX version information.

    • Source selection menu has been optimized for easier touch usability and sorting.

    • Source selection menu will now display both global variable number and name.

    • Added charging LED animation for PL18 and PL18EV.

  • User interface page

  • Manage Models page

    • Added 3 additional layouts for the model list.

    • Updated the model image frames size & shape. Also now displays model name on top of the image, instead of clipping the image.

    • Replaced the New Label button and New Model button with just a New button with options for Model or Label.

    • Replaced confusing model sorting icons with a simple text drop-down menu.

    • Added a single select option for model labels plus label AND/OR filtering logic (configurable in the Radio Setup screen).

  • Model Setup

    • Timers that are enabled will show as highlighted on the Model Setup screen.

    • MIN can be used as source. When selected it will always returns -100.

    • Added Interactive Checklist option to Pre-start checks section. Allows users to add interactive checkboxes to displayed checklists.

  • Flight Modes

    • Unused trim switches can now be configured to function as a 3 position momentary switch.

  • Mixes

    • Added configurable precision for slow up/dn to be set to either 10ms or 100ms.

  • Global Variables

    • Added the Popup option, which when enabled displays a popup message when the value of a GV changes with the new GV value.

  • Special Functions

    • All special functions now have the Enable checkbox.

    • Special functions can be Enabled / Disabled without opening the Edit menu.

    • Added virtual trainer switch (Tnr) that can be selected as switch to activate a special function. Switch is ON when the trainer link is active.

    • Backlight special function brightness is limited to the On / Off values configured in the Radio Setup -> Backlight Screen.

  • Telemetry

    • EdgeTX will play "Telemetry connected" when telemetry connects for the first time of the flight.

  • SD Card

    • Users can configure a custom shutdown image by adding a custom shutdown.png to the IMAGES folder.

    • View text option now available for .lua files

  • Radio Setup

    • In GPS settings, updated the Time Zone option to allow configuration in 15 minute intervals.

    • Added the Splash Screen option which sets the duration that the splash screen will be displayed.

    • Added the Startup Sound option which toggles whether to enable/disable startup sound.

    • Added PPM Units option- Previously this was a build option.

    • In the Enabled Features section, added the current configuration setting for the active model to the right of the toggle switch.

  • Hardware

    • Analog inputs, such as pots and sliders can now be configured as a Switch, Axis X or Axis Y. Additionally, they can also be configured to be inverted.

    • EdgeTX will now detect at runtime if a serial port is available to allow for SBUS trainer on the external module bay. If so, the configuration option will be available.

  • Screen Settings

    • In the top bar, the radio info, date/time and internal GPS are now configurable widgets, allowing 6 widget slots to be configured.

    • Selecting an empty widget will no longer display the 'Select widget' option and instead go right to the widget selection menu.

  • Widgets

    • Added the alignment option to the Text widget to align widget text Left, Center, or Right.

  • Alerts

    • Warning will be displayed if you try to shut down the radio while the trainer connection is still active.

Monochrome Screen Radios

  • New Hardware Support

    • Jumper T-Pro V2

    • Jumper T-14

    • Jumper T-20

    • Flysky Gimbal support for Jumper T-20

    • Flysky Gimbal support for Frsky X9D+2019

    • RadioMaster Pocket

    • RadioMaster MT12

  • General Changes

    • The mixer now runs at 1000Hz when in USB Joystick mode (needed for F.Sim competitors), also displays mixer run time in statistic/debug screen.

    • Splash Screen updated with new EdgeTX Logo

    • Radios with unused flexible serial port will now automatically be defined as AUX Serial (MT12).

  • Main View

    • Added new view for surface radios with throttle and steering instead of sticks.

  • Model Settings

    • Added C-Interact option to Pre-start checks section. Allows users to add Interactive Checkboxes to displayed checklists.

    • On surface radios (EX: MT-12), the throttle trim no longer has an effect on the reverse throttle range.

  • Flight Modes

    • Unused trim switches can now be configured to function as a 3 position momentary switch.

  • Mixes

    • Added configurable precision for slow up/dn to be set to either 10ms or 100ms.

  • Telemetry

    • EdgeTX will play "Telemetry connected" when telemetry connects for the first time of the flight.

    • The number of configured sensors will be displayed in parentheses when the sensor list is collapsed.

  • Special Functions

    • All special functions now have the enable checkbox.

    • OLED screen brightness can be controlled with Backlight special function.

    • Added virtual trainer switch (Tnr) that can be selected as switch to activate a special function. Switch is ON when the trainer link is active.

    • Added RGB Led special function to enable and change LED behavior.

  • Radio Setup

    • In GPS settings, updated the Time Zone option to allow configuration in 15 minute intervals.

    • Added the Startup Sound option which toggles whether to enable/disable startup sound.

    • Added PPM Units option- Previously this was a build option.

    • In the Enabled Features section, added the current configuration setting for the active model to the right of the checkbox.

    • Added the Rotary Encoder Mode - V-N E-I = Vertical Normal, Edit Inverted (inverted when editing text)

  • Hardware

    • Analog inputs, such as pots and sliders can now be configured as a Switch, Axis X or Axis Y. Additionally, they can also be configured to be inverted.

    • EdgeTX will now detect at runtime if a serial port is available to allow for SBUS trainer on the external module bay. If so, the configuration option will be available.

  • Alerts

    • Warning will be displayed if you try to shut down the radio while the trainer connection is still active.

Last updated