Additional Radio settings

Selecting one of the 6 buttons on the Radio Setup screen will take you to one of the additional setting screens below.

Many of the additional settings here are self-explanatory. Only those settings needing clarification will be mentioned below.


Mode - configures when to play sounds.

  • All - Beeps when the buttons are pressed and sounds are played when there are alerts or warnings.

  • No Key - No beeps when buttons are pressed or the scroll wheel is turned but does play sounds when there are alerts or warnings. Also plays sounds triggered by special functions.

  • Alarm - Only plays alarm or warning sounds. Also plays sounds triggered by special functions.

  • Quiet - No Beeps or sounds are played.


The master volume for the radio.

Wav volume

The volume for alerts and warnings and sounds that are played with the Play track special function

Background volume

The volume for background .wav files (music) that are played with the BGMusic special function


Repeat Zero

The time before the tone repeats in milliseconds.

Note: In order for the variometer to function, it must be turned on via the Vario special or global function. See Special Functions for more information on how to configure this.


Mode - configures when the radio vibrates.

  • All - Vibrates when the buttons are pressed and when there are alerts or warnings.

  • No Key - No vibrations when buttons are the pressed or scroll wheel is turned but does vibrate when there are alerts or warnings.

  • Alarm - Only vibrates for alarms or warning sounds.

  • Quiet - No vibrations are made.


Sound Off

An "alarms disabled" visual warning is displayed when the transmitter is turned on if the sound mode is set to quiet.

Check RSSI on Shutdown

Checks if a receiver is still connected to the radio on attempted shutdown. Makes a audio and visual alert if one is detected.



  • Off – Always off.

  • Keys – Turns on when buttons are pressed.

  • Ctrl – Turns on when sticks, switches, and knobs are used.

  • Both – Turns on when buttons, sticks, switches, and knobs are used.

  • ON – Always on.


The length in seconds that the backlight is on. The minimum value is 5 seconds. The maximum value is 600 seconds.


The backlight turns on when there are alarms or warnings.


The GPS configuration settings are only for when a GPS has been installed on the radio, not the model's GPS.

Coordinate Format

The GPS coordinate format that will be displayed.

Adjust RTC

Adjust the transmitter's real-time clock to match the time determined by the GPS.

Enabled Features

The Enabled Features section of Radio Setup allows you to configure the Global settings for which tabs are visible in the Radio Setup and Model Settings area of EdgeTX.

Note: Turning off a tab only hides the tab and does not change the items already configured in that tab. For example, if you configure a special function and then turn off the special functions tab, the special function will still work as configured.

Last updated