Model Settings

Model Select

Pressing the [MDL] button from the Main view will open the Model Select screen.

Model Select screen

Use the [Roller] or [Dial] to scroll through the model slots.

Pressing [Enter] on an empty model slot will give you the following options:

  • Create Model - This option creates a new model with the default configuration options.

  • Restore Model - This option creates a new copy of a selected model that has been previously backed up.

Pressing [Enter] on an occupied model slot that is not the active model (not marked with an asterix *) will give you the following options:

  • Select Model - this option selects this model as the active model.

  • Backup Model - This option makes a copy of the model in the Backup folder on the SD Card.

  • Copy Model - This option makes an exact copy of the model and allows you to select which model slot it will be placed in.

  • Move Model - This option allows you to move the selected model to a different model slot.

  • Delete Model - This option deletes the selected model.

Pressing [Enter] on an occupied model slot that is the active model (marked with an asterix *) will give you the following options:

  • Move Model - This option allows you to move the selected model to a different model slot.

  • Copy Model - This option makes an exact copy of the model and allows you to select which model slot it will be placed in.

  • Backup Model - This option makes a copy of the model in the Backup folder on the SD Card.

Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Setup screen.

Last updated