Logical Switches

Logical Switches are virtual two-position switches whose values (ON/OFF or +100/-100) are based on the evaluation (true/false) of a defined logical expression. Once configured, logical switches can be used anywhere in EdgeTX that a physical switch can be defined.

The Logical Switches page in Model Settings shows you all the configured logical switches as well as an overview of their configured options.

Selecting a logic switch will give you the following options:

  • Edit - Opens the Logical Switches configuration page for the selected logical switch.

  • Copy - Copies the selected logical switch

  • Paste - Pastes a copied logical switch onto the selected logical switch. Note: it will overwrite the selected logical switch.

  • Clear - Deletes all configuration options for the selected logical switch.

After selecting to edit a logical switch, you will have the following configuration options:

  • Func - The logical function that you want to use. See Logical Switch Functions below for a description of the possible functions you can use.

  • V1 - The first variable in the expression to evaluate.

  • V2 -The second variable in the expression to evaluate.

  • AND switch - Switch that must be active to allow the logical switch to be evaluated for activation.

  • Duration - The duration that the logical switch will remain active (true) once meeting activation criteria. If set to 0.0, the the logical switch will remain active (true).

  • Delay - Delay between when the activation criteria for the logical switch has been met and when the logical switch changes to the activated state (true).

Logical Switch Functions

In the expression, a and b represent sources (sticks, switches, etc.), and x represents the constants (values) to be compared.

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