The Heli Setup page in Model Settings is an optional page that is available on custom-compiled versions of EdgeTX. The heli setup page is often used for collective pitch mixing (CCPM) used in flybared helicopters where the receiver directly controls the swashplate servos. Most flybarless helicopters do not need to configure this page. The outputs of the CCPM mixer are CYC1, CYC2, and CYC3, which need to be assigned to an output channel on the Mixes screen.
The heli setup screen has the following configuration options:
Swash Type - Swash type for your model. Options are 120, 120x, 140, and 90.
Swash Ring - Set the swash ring limit only as needed. 1 = maximum limit -> 100 or 0 = no limit.
Long. cyc. source - Select source input.
Weight - Percentage value of the stick travel to use.
Lateral cyc.source -Select source input.
Weight - Percentage value of the stick travel to use.
Coll. pitch source - Select source input.
Weight - Percentage value of the stick travel to use.
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Flight Modes screen.
The Mixes screen is where several Inputs can be combined into one "Channel Mix". These mixes are then assigned to a radio channel for output. This is also the place where switches, knobs or sliders are assigned to a channel for output. Similar to the Input section, it is also possible to assign a weight, offset or curve to a channel mix.
The Mixes screen shows you an overview of your configured mixes. Each row represents a mixer line and displays the following information from left to right: channel, weight, input, mix name switch. These items are described in the Mixes configuration options area below.
Selecting an empty mix line and pressing [Enter] will create a new mix and open the mixes configuration page.
Selecting an existing mix line and pressing [Enter] will toggle between Copy/Paste mode and Move mode. In Copy/Paste mode, a copy of the mix line is made, which can be pasted into the desired channel or mix line. In Move mode, the selected mix can be moved to a different channel. Press the [Return] button to exit this mode.
Selecting an existing mix line and long-pressing [Enter] will give you the following options:
Edit - opens the mixes configuration page for that mix line.
Insert before - Inserts a new mix line before the selected mix.
Insert after - Inserts a new mix line after the selected mix.
Copy - copies the selected mix line.
Move - selects the mix line to be moved.
Delete - deletes the selected mix line.
The right portion of the mixes configuration page contains a graph that shows the channel range for the mix.
When the edit option is selected for a mix, the following configuration options are available:
Mix Name - Name of the mix (optional). Up to 6 characters are allowed.
Source - The source for the mix. In addition to inputs, you can select sticks, pots, sliders, trims, physical and logical switches, heli mixer outputs, trainer import channel values, and other channels.
Weight- Percentage of the source value to use.
Offset - The value added to or subtracted from the source.
Trim - Specifies whether or not to include the trim values in this mix. For the trim values to be included, the trim field for the relevant input must also be enabled on INPUTS screen.
Curve - Specifies the type of curve that will be used. See the curve section on the Inputs page for detailed explanations of the different curve types.
Switch - The physical switch that activates this mix line (optional). If no switch is selected, then the mix will be active by default.
Warning -when selected, the radio will beep when this mix is active. You can choose from OFF or beep patterns 1, 2, 3.
Multiplex - The multiplex setting defines how the current mixer line interacts with the others on the same channel. Add will add its output to them, Multiply will multiply the result of the lines above it, and Replace will replace anything that was done before it with its output.
Modes - Specifies which flight modes this mix is active for. Visible modes are active.
Delay up - Creates a time delay in seconds between when the source value increases and when it is output.
Delay down - Creates a time delay in seconds between when the source value decreases and when it is output.
Slow up - Adjusts the transition speed for source value increases. Specify the time to transition from -100% to + 100% in seconds. You can specify a range from 0.0 seconds to 25.0 seconds.
Slow down - Adjusts the transition speed for source value decreases. Specify the time to transition from -100% to + 100% in seconds. You can specify a range from 0.0 seconds to 25.0 seconds.
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Outputs screen.
To be able to support many different types of radio transmitters, EdgeTX uses a generic control data flow that can be applied to any radio transmitter. In this data flow, any of the radio's physical controls (sticks, switches, sliders, pots) can be mapped to an input in the software. These inputs can be directly assigned or combined with other inputs into a single mix. These mixes can be modified by applying weights, offsets, and curves and are then assigned a channel for output. Final adjustments to the control data are made (including subtrims, curves, endpoint, and center values) before finally sending the control data to the RF module. The flowchart below depicts a visual summary of this control data flow. Detailed information about the flow is provided in the following sections Inputs, Mixes, and Outputs.
Flight modes allow you to have different trim settings for each flight mode. Once multiple flight modes are configured, you can adjust the trim settings in each flight mode without affecting the trim settings in other flight modes (unless they are configured to do so). There are nine possible flight modes, with Flight Mode 0 being the default mode.
The Flight Modes Overview screen shows an overview of the configured Flight Modes. The information below is displayed for each flight mode row:
Flight Mode
Flight Mode Name
Trim settings (RETA)
Check FM Trims: When check FM trim is pressed, the trims for the current flight mode are temporarily disabled. This is used to test the impact of the current flight mode’s trims on the outputs.
Selecting a Flight Mode from the overview screen will open the configuration page, which has the following options:
Name: The custom name for the flight mode. If configured, this name will be shown on the upper left position of the main screen next to the battery voltage.
Switch: The trigger to enable that flight mode. It can be a switch, pot, telemetry, trim or logical switch.
Trims - To configure the trims, select the trim that you want to configure (each column is one trim). Then scroll to select the flight mode (0-8) that will provide the initial trim value and modifier (= or +). Select -- to disable the trim.
Modifier - there are two possible value modifiers = and +. The = modifier uses the trim value directly from the selected flight mode. The + modifier uses the trim value from the selected flight mode and then adds the trim value from the flight mode you are configuring.
Example 1: If you are configuring FM1 and set the value to =0, FM1 will have the trim value of the current value of the same trim in FM0. In this case, changes made to the trim in FM1 will also affect the trim in FM0 and vice-versa.
Example 2: If you are configuring FM1 and set the value to +0, FM1 will have the trim value of the same trim in FM0, plus any trim changes made while in FM1. In this case, changes made to the trim in FM1 do not affect the trim in FM0. However, changes to trim values FM0 will affect trim values in FM1.
Fade in: Gradually change the trim value when this flight mode is enabled. Specify the time in seconds (0.0 - 25.0) until the value change is completed.
Fade out: Gradually change the trim value when this flight mode is disabled. Specify the time in seconds (0.0 - 25.0) until the value change is completed.
If the trim is turned off (--) on the setup page, you will not be able to adjust it at all on the main view screen.
Global variables are variables whose values are shared across all the configuration screens of a model. Their values can be used in weights, offsets, differential, expo settings, outputs, and in logical switch comparisons. The bottom portion of the flight mode configuration screen shows an overview of each global variable for the selected flight mode. For each global variable row, the following information is displayed:
Global Variable Number: Displayed as GV(1-9)
Global Variable Name: User-defined name for the global variable - up to three characters.
Mode: Where the value of the global variable comes from. Options are:
Own: the global variable value for the selected flight mode is manually defined in the Value text field.
FM(1-9) - global variable value for the selected flight mode is inherited from the flight mode defined in the drop-down.
Value: The current value of the global variable.
You can edit the value of the global variable by changing the value in the value text field. Selecting the global variable number will open the global variable configuration screen will give you the following options:
Name - Name for the global variable. Three characters are allowed.
Unit - (optional) Allows you to add a % label to the displayed values when selected. It DOES NOT affect how the values are calculated.
Precision - Allows you to select the number precision options whole numbers (0.-) and decimal (0.0). The default value is 0.-
Min - Defines the minimum that is allowed for the global variable.
Max - Defines the maximum value that is allowed for the global variable.
Popup - When enabled, a pop-up window will be displayed on the main screen when the value of this global variable changes during normal use.
FM1 -> FM8 - Allows you to select the global variable inheritance for the flight mode. Long press the field to switch between Own and Inheritence mode. In Own mode, you can define the global variable value for the selected flight mode. In Inheritance mode, you can select the Flight Mode that the global variable will inherit the value from.
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Inputs screen.
The Curves screen allows you to define custom curves to use in the Inputs, Mixes, or Output screens. The curves screen will show the configured custom curves, with a graphical representation of each curve.
Selecting one of the curves or empty curve slots will open the configuration page for that curve.
The curve configuration screen has the following configurable options:
Name - Name for the curve. Only 3 characters are possible.
Type - Type of curve: Options are Standard and Custom
Standard - Horizontal axis points are fixed values based on the number of points. Vertical axis points are adjustable.
Custom - Both horizontal and vertical axes are adjustable.
Count - number of points in the curve. Press the [Enter] button to modify the number of points. Long-pressing the [Enter] button will give the following additional options:
Preset - Allows you to set the curve to one of the preset slope values (-45 to 45 degrees in 15 degree increments). The curve will have 5 points, and smoothing is not enabled by default.
Mirror - Mirrors the selected curve.
Clear - Clears all curve values from the selected curve.
Smooth - When enabled, connects the points with curved lines instead of straight lines.
After the last configuration option (Smooth), you will automatically begin to scroll through the configured points on the curve. To change the values of the points, press the [Enter] button and then adjust the values as desired. For Standard curves, you will only be able to adjust the Y value. For Custom curves, you can adjust both the X and Y values.
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Logical Switches screen.
The Setup screen is where you start to configure your model. It contains the following settings:
Name - Name of the model. The maximum number of characters is 10.
To edit the text, using the [roller] or [dial], press the button, scroll to select the desired letter, then press the button again to move to the next space. To toggle between lower and upper case, long-press the button. Press the [RTN] button to exit out of text editing mode.
Image - Image displayed on the main view (only for radios with 212 x 64 displays).
Image dimensions shall be 64 x 32 pixels, 16 bit, grayscale, .bmp file. The image must be stored in the IMAGES folder of the SD card.
Timer 1/2/3 - There are 3 configurable timers in EdgeTX. They all have the same options:
[Mode]: The options include:
OFF- The timer is not used
ON - The timer runs all the time
Start -The timer starts once the configured switch is activated. After the time is started, the timer ignores the switch position.
THs (Throttle) - The timer starts once the throttle is raised and the configured switch is activated. The timer will stop counting if either the throttle position is lowered back to the minimum value or the configured switch is deactivated.
TH% (Throttle %) - The timer counts proportionally to the throttle. It counts in real-time at full throttle and half speed at 50% throttle.
THt (Throttle Start) - The timer starts once the throttle is raised and the configured switch is activated. After starting, the timer ignores the throttle position and will keep counting unless the switch is deactivated.
[Switch]- Select the switch that will trigger the timer to start. If no switch is selected, the timer will trigger based only on the configured mode. In addition to a switch, you can also select a trim, a telemetry source (triggered when telemetry data is received from that source), or physical activity (stick movement or button press) (labeled as ACT)
Those items with a "!" mark in front of the trigger name mean that the condition is reversed. For example, "!SA-" means "when SA switch is not in middle/center position (= up or down)".
Name: Name of the timer
Start- The time used for the timer's advanced functions. The default value is 00:00 and when left as such, the timer operates like a stopwatch, counting upward until stopped. If a different time is entered in this box, then the additional field will appear next to the time with the options: Remain or Elaps.
If set to Remain, the counter will function like a countdown timer - counting down from the designated time to zero and then alerting the user. If set to Elaps, the timer functions like an alarm, counting up from zero until the designated time and then alerting the user.
Persist (Persistence):
Off - The timer value is reset when switching models or when the radio is turned off / on.
Flight - The timer value is NOT reset when switching models or when the radio is turned off / on. The timer value is only reset when the Reset flight option is selected in the Reset menu.
Manual Reset - The timer value is reset only when it is individually selected to be reset (example: Reset timer1) in the Reset menu.
Minute (Minute Call) - If selected, you will be notified every minute that passes as described in the Count Down option.
Count Down:
Silent - No notification is given until the timer reaches zero. When it reaches zero, you will hear one beep.
Beeps - The radio will beep every second starting at the time designated.
Voice - The radio will count down by second starting at the time designated.
Haptic -The radio will vibrate every second starting at the time designated.
The functions switches are a type of multiposition switch (on select transmitters) that are managed directly by EdgeTX. Physically, they look like a regular 6-pos switch but are much more flexible.
Unlike other switches managed at the radio level, function switches are defined per model and configured in the model setup page. They contain the following configuration options:
Switch Type
None: the switch is disabled
Toggle : they are active only during the push duration
2POS: pushing the switch will alternate the state between OFF and On
Switch group
A traditional 6POS is a group of 6 switches that work together, where only one can be active at a time. Function switches expand that concept and let you choose how the switches should be grouped.
'-' defines a function switch with no group. Pushing it will only affect this switch.
'1', '2' or '3' define groups. All the switches in a group act together, where only one (the last pushed) can be active.
Always on groups
Selecting this check box makes the assigned group act like a traditional 6-position switch where one button from the group must be on at all times.
Startup Position
Start - Defines the state that each switch will be in when the model is loaded.
↑ Switch is inactive
↓ Switch is active
= Switch is set to the same state it was in when the model was last used (it keeps old state).
Unlike hardware 6-POS implementation (Horus, TX16S,...), software managed switches can not be used as an analog source, they are individual switches with either ↑ or ↓ position. The behavior of previous 6P source can be achieved using a combination of mixer lines
E.Limits (Extended Limits) - When enabled, it increases the minimum and maximum range for the output values to -150 and 150. Extended limits are necessary if the full range of the control surface cannot be reached with standard limits.
E. Trims) Extended Trims: Increases the maximum trim adjustment value from ±25% to ±100%.
Reset - This resets all trim values to zero.
Show trims: When set to Yes, it will display the numerical trim value on the trim bar. When set to CHANGE, it will display the numerical value once the trim is no longer at zero.
Trim Step: Defines the amount of increase/decrease in trim when the trim switch is pressed.
Course = 1.6%
Medium = 0.8%
Fine = 0.4%
Extra Fine = 0.2%
Exponential = 0.2% near the center and the step value increases exponentially as the distance from the center increases.
T-Reverse: When enabled, this option reverses the output direction of the configured throttle channel.
T-Source: The source that will be used for the throttle.
T-Trim-Idle: When enabled, the throttle trim will only affect the bottom portion of the throttle band.
For example, with Trim idle only enabled, the throttle stick at the lowest point might have a value of -80 and the center point will still be 0 and the highest point of 100. Without this enabled, the throttle stick at the lowest point might have a value of -80 however, the center point will be 20 and the highest point of 100.
T-Trim-SW: The trim switch that will be used to trim the throttle. It is possible to substitute the throttle trim switch with the aileron, rudder, or elevator trim switches.
Whenever a new model is loaded, EdgeTX will conduct pre-flight checks based on the checks that are configured on this page. If any of the checks are failed, EdgeTX will give the user an audio and visual warning that must be acknowledged before using the model. The following preflight checks are configurable:
Checklist - When this option is selected, the model notes file will be displayed when the model is loaded. A valid model notes file must be in the Models folder on the SD card. The model notes file must be a .txt file and must have the EXACT same name as the model it is for, for example: Mobula6.txt. The text in the file is up to the user.
T-Warning - When selected, the radio will check that the throttle is at the minimum value for the configured throttle source in the T-Source configuration option.
Cust-Pos - When this option is selected, the value designated in POS.% will be used for the T.Warning.
Pos.% - minimum value of the throttle for the throttle warning when Cust-Pos is enabled.
S-Warning - The section displays all the switches that are configured on the radio and allows you to select which position is the correct position for the switch state check. Selecting the switch will cycle through the available switch positions or turn the check off for the switch completely.
Pot warn- When activated, this option checks the position of the pots & sliders. There are three options - OFF, ON and AUTO. When ON or AUTO is selected, buttons for the available pots and sliders will appear. To enable the Pot warning for an individual Pot, select the pot with the [roller] or [dial] and click the button to highlight it. Highlighted pots are enabled.
OFF - Pot and slider positions are not checked.
Manual - Positions are checked against manually configured pot and slider positions. To manually set the check position, select manual the from menu, select the item that you want to set, and long-press the [Enter] button to set its current position for the check.
AUTO - Positions are checked for pots and sliders and compared to the last automatically saved position before the radio was turned off or the model was changed.
Ctr Beep - Allows you to turn on/off the center beep function for the individual sticks, pots, and sliders by highlighting them with the [roller] or [dial] and pressing the button. When a switch is highlighted, the function is enabled.
Glob. Funs - When enabled, global functions programmed in the radio settings will apply to this model. When disabled, global functions will not apply to this model.
Global functions are special functions that are applied across all models. Refer to Special Functions for information on configurable settings.
ADC Filter - Enables/disables the ADC filter for this model. The global option will take the value designated in the radio settings, which is on by default.
The ADC filter is a filter for the proportional channels (sticks, pots, sliders), smoothing out smaller fast movements that occur due to noise in the system electronics. Normally, this filter should be disabled for models with flight controllers.
The configuration settings for both the Internal and External RF sections work the same. The only difference is that the Internal RF section is for configuring the built-in module and the External RF section is for configuring an RF module in the external module bay.
The configuration options are: off or the module name of the installed module as configured in the Radio settings. Configuration options are unique to each installed module. Please consult the manufacturer's documentation for configuration options.
Configuration options for the multi-protocol module are described here: https://www.multi-module.org/using-the-module/protocol-options
Receiver number - A receiver number is a user-assigned number for a model that is sent to the receiver when bound. Each model must have a unique receiver number. However, models using different protocols may have the same receiver number without issues. EdgeTX will inform you when a receiver number is unique or if it is already being used with a text above the number field.
If using the radio in gamepad mode, both internal and external RF modules should be turned off. This will result in increased performance when connected to a computer via USB.
Trainer Mode - The Trainer Mode option is where you can configure the CPPM passthrough mode and method. When enabled, this allows the CPPM signals from a radio in Slave mode to be passed through to another radio in Master mode which will then pass the signal to the model it is connected to. CPPM passthrough can be used for several different use cases, such as: connecting a head tracker, Instructor / Student training mode, and controlling complex models that require more stick inputs than available on a standard transmitter.
Master mode - This is the mode for the radio that will be connected to the model. This radio also shall configure the special/global function (Trainer) to activate the passthrough mode. When the passthrough mode is activated, the CPPM signals from the radio in Slave mode will be sent to the model for control.
Slave mode - This is the mode for the radio that will pass it's CPPM values to the radio in Master mode, which are then sent to the model.
Below are the possibile configuration options:
Off - Trainer mode is not used for this model.
Master / Jack - Master mode using a cable connection.
Slave / Jack - Slave mode using a cable connection.
Channel Range - This is the range of channels that will be sent to the radio in Master mode. Channel 10 is the recommended last channel to use.
PPM Frame - The first field is the length of the PPM frame. The second field is the stop length/delay between pulses. The dropdown is to select the polarity of the signal. Note: In most cases, the default setting does not need to be changed.
Master / Bluetooth - Master mode using a Bluetooth connection (if installed in radio).
Slave / Bluetooth - Slave mode using a Bluetooth connection (if installed in radio).
Master / Multi - Master mode using an additional externally mounted Multi-protocol module for the connection. For more information on this setup, see
Set-up wireless trainer with MPMsee Set-up wireless trainer with MPM
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Heli Setup screen.
Pressing the [MDL] button from the Main view will open the Model Select screen.
Use the [Roller] or [Dial] to scroll through the model slots.
Pressing [Enter] on an empty model slot will give you the following options:
Create Model - This option creates a new model with the default configuration options.
Restore Model - This option creates a new copy of a selected model that has been previously backed up.
Pressing [Enter] on an occupied model slot that is not the active model (not marked with an asterix *) will give you the following options:
Select Model - this option selects this model as the active model.
Backup Model - This option makes a copy of the model in the Backup folder on the SD Card.
Copy Model - This option makes an exact copy of the model and allows you to select which model slot it will be placed in.
Move Model - This option allows you to move the selected model to a different model slot.
Delete Model - This option deletes the selected model.
Pressing [Enter] on an occupied model slot that is the active model (marked with an asterix *) will give you the following options:
Move Model - This option allows you to move the selected model to a different model slot.
Copy Model - This option makes an exact copy of the model and allows you to select which model slot it will be placed in.
Backup Model - This option makes a copy of the model in the Backup folder on the SD Card.
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Setup screen.
The Outputs screen is where final adjustments to the control data are made (including subtrims, curves, endpoint, and center values) before finally sending the control data to the RF module. This is where the channel center, limits (to prevent servo binding) and output direction are set.
A Trim is a temporary adjustment to a flight control normally done while in operation with a trim switch. A Subtrim is a semi-permanant adjustment to a flight control that is normally configured when setting up the model in the output settings.
The output screen shows all the output channels. For each output line, it displays the values for the subtrim, minimum and maximum limits, direction, curve, and subtrim mode. After the last output line is the option Trims=>Subtrims. When this option is selected, it adds the current trim value to the subtrim value for each configured output. The trim value is then reset to zero.
Selecting an output line will give you the following options:
Edit - Opens the output configuration screen.
Reset - Sets the subtrim value back to zero. The trim value is not changed.
Cpy Trims -> Subtrim - Adds the current trim value to the subtrim value. The trim value is not changed.
Cpy Sticks -> Subtrim - Adds the current value of the stick deflection as the subtrim value.
Cpy min/max to all - Copies the settings in Min / Max field of selected channel to all other channels.
The output configuration screen has the following configuration options:
Name - Name for the Output up to 6 characters.
Subtrim - The subtrim value (max 100). It can also be set to a global variable by pressing the ldong-pressing the [Enter] button to switch to GV Mode and then selecting the desire global variable.
Min - Minimum output limit. Commonly used to prevent servo binding on models that use servos for the control surfaces.
Max - Maximum output limit. Commonly used to prevent servo binding on models that use servos for the control surfaces.
Direction- Select --- for normal output value, INV if you want to invert the output value.
Curve - Specify the custom curve (in any) that you want to use for this output. See Curves for more information about custom-defined curves.
PPM Center - Specify the pulse-width value for the center value of the output channel (between 1000 - 2000). Changing this will shift the entire output range, including upper and lower limits.
Subtrim mode - Defines how the subtrim value affects the min/max output values. There are two options:
△ (Center Only) - Only the center value shifts. The upper and lower limits do not change. The reaction of the stick differs between the upper half and the lower half from midpoint.
= Symmetrical - Both the upper and lower limits will shift according to the shift of the center value. The reaction of the stick is the same on both sides of the midpoint.
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Curves screen.
The Inputs screen is where you map your physical radio controls (for example: sticks, sliders, and pots) to a software input to be used by the radio. After the control has been mapped, it is then possible to apply modifiers to the inputs, such as a weight, offset or curve, which will then be applied anywhere that input is used. Although it is possible to also assign switches as inputs, it is normally not needed as switch outputs seldomly need to be modified by a weight, offset or curve. By default, EdgeTX will automatically map your controller sticks to Aileron, Elevator, Throttle, Rudder based on the default channel order defined in Radio Setup.
Your input channels may default to a different order based on the settings defined in Radio Setup.
The Inputs section is also commonly referred to as "Dual Rates" as it was previously called this in earlier versions of OpenTX.
The inputs screen shows you an overview of your configured inputs. Each row represents an input line and displays the following information from left to right: Input name, weight, activation switch, line name. These items are described in the Input configuration page area below.
Selecting an existing input line and pressing [Enter] will toggle between Copy/Paste mode and Move mode. In Copy/Paste mode, a copy of the input line is made which can be pasted in the desired input line. In Move mode, the selected input can be moved to a different line. Press the [Return] button to exit this mode.
Selecting an empty input line and pressing [Enter] will create a new input and open the input configuration page.
Selecting an existing input line and long-pressing [Enter] will give you the following options:
Edit - opens the input configuration page for that input line.
Insert before - Inserts a new input line before the selected input.
Insert after- Inserts a new input line after the selected input.
Copy - copies the selected input line.
Move - selects the input line to be moved. The input is moved using one of the paste commands after a new line is selected (i.e. cut & paste).
Delete - deletes the selected input line.
Paste before - pastes the copied or moved input line before the selected input line.
Paste after - pastes the copied or moved input line before the selected input line.
The input configuration page allows you to edit the input configuration parameters. To the right of the configuration parameters, you can see a live graph that shows how your configuration options will affect the slope of the input.
Input Name - Name for the input. Three characters are possible.
Line Name - Name of the individual line in the input. Multiple physical inputs can be mapped to one input by adding an additional input line under the input.
Source - The physical control used for the input. In addition to physical controls, you can also specify MAX (always returns 100), cyclics, trim switches, channel values and more. Moving the physical control after the source has been selected will automatically map it to that input.
Weight - Percentage value of the stick travel to use (often referred to as "rates").
Offset - The value added to or subtracted from the input source.
Curve - Specifies the type of curve that will be used. The following curve options exist:
Diff - Multiplies only the range above or below the middle (0) by the specified %.
Expo -The input value is changed exponentially. Increasing the % will result in a gentle slope near the middle(0). Decreasing the % will result in a steep slope near the middle (0). With a % of 0, the slope will be linear.
Func -
The slope will be linear.
The range below the middle (0) is always 0. Above the middle (0), the slope is linear.
The range above the middle (0) is always 0. Below the middle (0), the slope is linear.
The range above the middle (0), the reaction is linear. The sign is inverted in the range below the middle (0). The curve draws a V-shaped graph.
The range above the middle (0) is always +100. The range below the middle (0) is always 0. The output value will always be either 0 or +100.
The range above the middle (0) is always 0. The range below the middle (0) is always -100. The output value will always be either 0 or -100.
The range above the middle (0) is always +100. The range below the middle (0) is always -100. The output value will always be either +100 or -100.
Cstm - assigns a custom-defined curve. See Curves for more information about custom-defined curves.
Values for weight, offset and curve % can also be defined by a configured global values Selecting the GV button will display a list of configured global values to select from.
Modes - Specifies which flight modes this input is active for.
Switch - The switch that activates the input line. If no switches are defined, then it is always active.
Side - Specifies the input range for which this line setting is valid. If you select ---, it will be valid in the entire range of Source values. If you select x>0, it will be valid in the upper half of the value of Source. If you select x<0, it will be valid in the lower half of the value of Source.
Trim - Specifies whether or not to include the trim values in this input. Additionally, you can select a different trim to use for this input.
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Mixes screen.
The Special Functions section is where you can configure the special functions that are included in EdgeTX. These special functions add additional functionality beyond normal model controls, such as enabling trainer mode, playing a sound, adjusting the radio backlight, adjusting radio volume, etc. On the special functions screen, you will see all configured special functions as well as some of the configured options such as function name, activation switch, if the function is enabled, and other configuration options.
To configure a special function, select the desired special function row and press the [Enter] button. Then, scroll with the [Roller] to select the attribute that you want to edit (it will be highlighted) and press the [Enter] button to edit it (it will now be blinking). Edit the option by scrolling with the [Roller] and pressing the [Enter] button to select the desired option. Once all the options are configured, press the [Return] button to exit out of editing mode for the special function.
All special functions have the configuration options below. Additional options may be added based on the selected function. See the Functions section below for these additional options.
Trigger - The switch or trigger that will make the special function active.
Function - The function that will be used. See below for function descriptions.
Enable - Toggle on/off to enable the function. To be able to activate the special function by a switch, it must be enabled. This option is usually the last option listed as a checkbox on the far right of the screen. Disabled special functions will not function regardless of the configured switch position.
Below are all the available functions in EdgeTX, what they do, as well as what additional configuration options that will be shown when the function is selected.
Override (Channel Override) - Overrides the defined channel with the defined value.
CH - Channel to be overridden
Value - Value to replace the normal channel value. (Range -100 to +100)
Trainer - Enables trainer mode.
Value - Specifies which controls will be given over to the student. Options include Sticks (all sticks), Rud (Rudder), Ele (Elevator), Thr (Throttle), Ail (Aileron), and Chans (all channels).
Inst. Trim (Instant Trim)- Sets all trims to the current values of their respective sticks.
Reset (Reset Timer)- Resets the timer or telemetry specified in the value back to their initial values.
Reset - Options are Tmr 1, Tmr 2, Tmr 3, All, and Telemetry. See Reset Telemetry for more information on what data is reset for each option.
Set (Set Timer) - Sets the specified timer to the specified value.
Timer - Options are Tmr 1, Tmr 2, Tmr 3
Value - The range is 00:00:00 to 08:59:59
Adjust (Adjust Global Variable) - Changes the value of the specified global variable.
Global var - Select the global variable that you want to adjust.
Mode - Select the mode to change the global variable. Options are: Constant, Mixer Source, Global var, Inc/Decrement. Long-press the [Enter] button to select the mode.
Constant - Sets the specified global variable to the defined constant value.
Mixer Source - Sets the specified global variable to the defined mixer source value.
Global Var - Sets the specified global variable to the defined global variable value.
Inc/Decrement - Increments/decrements the specified global variable by the specified amount.
Volume - Changes the radio volume. The change source is specified in the Volume dropdown.
SetFailsafe - Sets the custom failsafe values for the selected module (Internal/External) to the current stick position when activated. For this option to work, the Failsafe mode for the RF module must be set to custom.
Play Sound - Plays the sound selected in the value field when activated.
Value - Sound to play. Possible values are Beep1/2/3, Warn1/2, Cheep, Ratata, Tick, Siren, Ring, SciFi, Robot, Chirp, Tada, Crickt, AlmClk. Note: SD card sound pack is not required.
Repeat - Frequency to repeat the sound. Options are !1x (do not play at startup even if the switch is active), 1x (play once), 1s thru 60s (play every xx seconds).
Play Track - Plays the .wav sound file selected in the value field when activated.
Value - .wav sound file to play from the SD card.
Repeat - Frequency to repeat the track. Options are !1x (do not play at startup even if the switch is active), 1x (play once), 1s thru 60s (play every xx seconds).
Play Val - Announces the value of the selected element in the value field.
Value - The source for the value to announce. It can be an input, stick, pot, slider, trim, physical and logical switch, trainer import channel value, global variable, telemetry sensor or channel.
Repeat - Frequency to repeat the announcement. Options are !1x (do not announce at startup even if the switch is active), 1x (announce once), 1s thru 60s (announce every xx seconds).
Lua Script - Executes the Lua script defined in the value field. The Lua script must be located in /SCRIPTS/FUNCTIONS/ folder on the SD card. Lua scripts that display information on the screen cannot be executed with this special function.
BgMusic - Plays the .wav file selected in the value field on a loop when enabled. The file shall be in the SOUNDS/(language)/ folder on the SD card.
BgMusic II - Temporarily pauses the .wav file playback specified in the BgMusic
Vario - Enables the variometer beeping sound for the ascent and descent of the model.
Haptic - Causes the radio to vibrate (haptic feedback) when enabled.
Value - Type of vibration pattern. Options are: 0 - 4.
Repeat - Frequency to repeat the vibration pattern. Options are !1x (do not vibrate at startup even if the switch is active), 1x (vibrate once), 1s thru 60s (vibrate every xx seconds).
SD Logs - Creates a log .csv file of the radio and telemetry values in the LOGS folder on the SD Card. The radio will create a new entry into the log file based on the frequency configured in the Value setting. The value options are 0.0s - 25.5s (Note: 0.0 effectively disables this option). Each time the function is activated, the radio will create a new log file provided that the function is activated at least as long as the value setting.
Backlight - Adjusts the brightness of the radio screen based on the source defined in the value dropdown.
Screenshot - Creates screenshot as a .bmp file in the SCREENSHOT folder on the SD Card.
RacingMode - Enables racing mode (low latency) for FrSky Archer RS receivers. Racing mode must also be enabled in External RF Module Settings.
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Telemetry screen.
The below options can be configured for sensors:
Name: Name of the sensor - up to 4 characters.
Type: Options are custom or calculated. Custom sensors are defined by the hardware. Calculated sensors are a sensors whose value is calculated using other sensors values. See below for more information on calculated sensors.
ID: This number indicates what type of sensore it is. It contains two parts. The first part is the ID number which defines the sensor type. The second part is the instance number for the hardware. If multiple sensors of the same type are configures, the instance numbers must be unique.
Unit: The unit for the sensor. This unit is used when the sensor value is displayed on the screen or read aloud.
Precison: Specifies the number of digits after the decimal point when the sensor value is displayed on the screen. The number is truncated based on this setting.
Ratio: Specifies the ratio value to multiply with the sensor value as needed by some sensors.
Offset: Specifies the offset value to add to the sensor value.
Auto Offset: When selected, the first received value is used as offset. You can use the Reset telemetry option to reset the offset on already configured sensors.
Positive: When selected, the value of the sensor will be displayed only when it is a positive number. Displays zero when the sensor value becomes a negative number.
Filter: When selected, the sensor value becomes a rolling average of the last 5 received values.
Logs: When selected, the value of this sensor will be saved in the log file. SD Card logging is configured in Special Functions or Global Functions.
Calculated sensors contain the additional configuration options:
Formula: Type of calculation to use. Options include:
Add: Add the values of up to 4 designated sensors.
Average: Calculates the average value of up to four designated sensors.
Minimum: Find the minimum value of up to 4 designated sensors.
Maximum: Find the maximum value of up to 4 designated sensors.
Multiply: Multiplies the value of 2 sensors.
Totalize: Calculate the cumulative value of one sensor.
Cell: This is the formula for FrSKY Lipo battery sensor. It displays cell voltage specified by the number in "Cell index" field. If you specify "Lowest" in "Cell index" field, the voltage of the cell with the lowest is displayed. If you specify "Highest" in "Cell index" field, the voltage of the cell with the highest is displayed. If you specify "Delta" in "Cell index" field, the voltage difference between lowest and highest cell is displayed
Consumpt: Calculates the power consumption (mAh) by cumulatively add the values of current sensor.
Distance: Calculates the distance between the receiver and the radio using GPS sensor and altimeter values.
Source 1, 2, 3, 4: The sensors that will provide the argument values that are used in the formula defined above.
Persistent: When selected the sensor values will be saved when switching between models or powering down the radio.
Logical Switches are virtual two-position switches whose values (ON/OFF or +100/-100) are based on the evaluation (true/false) of a defined logical expression. Once configured, logical switches can be used anywhere in EdgeTX that a physical switch can be defined.
The Logical Switches page shows you all the configured logical switches as well as an overview of their configured options.
Selecting a logic switch will give you the following options:
Edit - Opens the Logical Switches configuration page for the selected logical switch.
Copy - Copies the selected logical switch
Paste - Pastes a copied logical switch onto the selected logical switch. Note: it will overwrite the selected logical switch.
Clear - Deletes all configuration options for the selected logical switch.
After selecting to edit a logical switch, you will have the following configuration options:
V1 - The first variable in the expression to evaluate.
V2 -The second variable in the expression to evaluate.
AND switch - Switch that must be active to allow the logical switch to be evaluated for activation.
Duration - The duration that the logical switch will remain active (true) once meeting activation criteria.
Delay - Delay between when the activation criteria for the logical switch has been met and when the logical switch changes to the activated state (true).
In the expression, a and b represent sources (sticks, switches, etc.), and x represents the constants (values) to be compared.
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Special Functions screen.
The Display screen is where you configure the telemetry screens shown when pressing the [Tele] button from the main screen.
You can configure up to Four telemetry screens. You can choose one of the following display types for each screen:
Nums (Numbers) - The numbers type displays the number value of the selected telemetry sensor or other configured object. The screen will be divided into two columns with four rows - each cell can display the data from a different sensor or object. On the display screen, the top bar will show the model name and radio battery voltage in addition to the configured cells.
Bars - The Bars type displays a bar graph representing the value of the selected telemetry sensor or other configured object. The screen will be divided into four rows - each row can display the data from a different sensor or object. On the display screen, the top bar will show the model name and radio battery voltage. Additionally, a 5th bar will be shown with the RSSI value.
Script- The Script type executes the telemetry Lua script that is configured. The telemetry Lua script must be located in the SD card folder: SD Card->Scripts->Telemetry in order to be available to be configured.
To configure the screens, scroll to the screen you want to configure and then press the [Enter] button. Then scroll to select the type of screen that you want to use and press the [Enter] button to select it. Depending on the selected screen type, you can then configure the telemetry objects for each cell by scrolling to the desired object and selecting it by pressing the [Enter] button. After all desired cells are configured, press the [Return] button to exit out of the configuration menu.
The following sensors are commonly used and normal automatically detected by EdgeTX:
Telemetry is data received from the model to the radio from various sensors. These sensors may be included in the radio receiver or flight controller or may be separate sensors, such as GPS, variometer, or magnetometer. The received telemerty data can be displayed by EdgeTX in widgets, configured in alarms or audio call-outs.
The Telemetry screen is where you configure these sensors to use in EdgeTX. Below are the following configuration options:
RSSI stands for the Receiver Signal Strength Indicator and represents the raw strength of the received signal. How the RSSI value is determined is based on the protocol being used, but generally, the higher the number, the better, with 100 being the maximum value.
Source - The source sensor to use for RSSI. It is usually set to (default) and cannot be changed.
Low alarm - The threshold value when the "RF signal low" voice prompt will be played. The recommended value is 45.
Critical alarm - The threshold value when the "RF signal critical" voice prompt will be played. The recommended value is 42.
Disable telemetry alarms - When enabled, no alarm voice prompts will be played.
RSSI is not a very good indicator of the strength and quality of your RC Link. Although better than nothing, Link quality (LQI) and RSSI dBm are better metrics to use if your receiver can provide this telemetry data.
The following options are listed under the sensor list.
Discover New: When selected, it will look for new sensors on the model and automatically configure them.
Add New: When selected, it will create a new blank sensor for that must be configured manually.
Delete All: This option will delete all previously configured sensors.
No inst. (ignore instances): This option prevents multiple sensors from reporting the same telemetry data.
If no sensors are listed in the sensors section, you may need to select Discover New to detect the sensors. Additionally, not all RF protocols transmit telemetry data.
If you long-press the [Enter] button for a specific sensor, the following options will be displayed:
Edit: Allows you to edit the sensor's configuration options.
Copy: Creates a copy of that sensor.
Delete: Deletes that sensor.
A variometer detects changes in the model altitude. EdgeTX can alert the user of these altitude changes by providing a rising/lower pitched tone. Use the Variometer menu on the Radio Setup page to set the actual frequency and volume of the tone to be played. The following options exist to configure the variometer alarm.
Source - Specifies the sensor to use as the variometer. It is selected from the telemetry sensors added in Sensors section.
Range - Specifies the ascent/descent range that will trigger the change in the Variometer beeping pitch. If climb/descent rate is within the range specified here, beeping pitch will change according to that value. When it goes beyond the range specified here, beeping pitch will stop changing. Units are meters/second or feet/second based on the Units setting on the Radio Setup page.
Center - Specify the range for ignoring changes in climb/descent rates. When the climb/descent rate is within the range specified here, the beeping pitch will not change.
Tone/Silent - Specifies whether to beep when climb/descent rate is within the range specified by Center.
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Display screen.
Func - The logical function that you want to use. See below for a description of the possible functions you can use.
Additional Lua scripts for EdgeTX can be found here:
Each sensor has two auto generated sensors for their minimum and maximum values. They share the same name with a negative and positive symbol added to the end. For example: RXBt + This dispalys the maximum value that the sensor attained during the flight. Using the or Flight function will reset this value to 0.
All previously configured sensors are listed here. Sensors that have not received data since the model was loaded or the telemetry values were reset display --- for the values. The asterisk * to the left of the sensor value will flash when the sensor has received a data update. A solid asterisk* indicates that the sensors that are receiving regular updates. Sensors that are no longer receiving regular updates will not be marked with the asterisk*. See for a list of commonly used sensors in EdgeTX.
See the page for a detailed description of all the configuration options for setting up or editing sensors.
True when the source V1 is exactly the same as the constant V2.
True when the source V1 is about the same as the constant V2.
True when the source V1 is greater than the constant V2.
True when the source V1 is less than the constant V2.
True when the absolute value of the source V1 is greater than the constant V2.
True when the absolute value of the source V1 is less than the constant V2.
True when both sources V1 and V2 are TRUE.
True when either source V1 or V2 is TRUE.
True when the source V1 and V2 positions do not match.
Momentarily true when the source V1 has been active for the defined period of time and then deactivated. The first time field (T1) under V1 is the minimum active duration required for source V1 to activate the logical switch. The second time (T2) is the maximum time allowed for the source V1 to be active for the logic switch to be activated. When T2 is set to --, the logical switch will be true regardless of how long V1 has been active. When T2 is set to 3, if V1 is active for more than 3 seconds, the logical switch will not be set to true when the source is deactivated. When T2 is set to <<, the logical switch will be true when the time conditions in T1 are met without source V1 being deactivated.
True when source V1 is the same as source V2.
True if source V1 is greater than source V2.
True if source V1 is less than source V2.
Momentarily true every time the source V1 changes by more than the amount indicated by the constant V2.
Momentarily true every time the absolute value of the source V1 changes by more than the amount indicated by the constant V2.
Tim (Timer)
Momentarily true every xxx seconds. Argument V1 is the duration that the logical switch is true (active). Argument V2 is the time between logical switch activations. Repeats timer cycle as long as the defined switch is active.
Stky (Sticky)
"Sticks" true after switch V1 is active (true) and stays active (true) regardless of V1 position until switch V2 is activated (true) and "unsticks" or deactivates (false) the logical switch.
Received signal strength antenna 1 (RSSI)
Received signal strength antenna 2 (RSSI)
Receiver link quality (valid packets)
Receiver signal-to-noise ratio
Receiver packet rate
Transmitter transmitting power
Transmitter signal strength antenna
Transmitter link quality (valid packets)
Transmitter signal-to-noise ratio
Sensor for debugging only
GPS Coordinates
GPS / Flight Controller
GPS Altitudes
GPS / Flight Controller
GPS Satellites acquired
GPS / Flight Controller
Magnetic orientation
GPS / Flight Controller
Battery voltage
Flight Controller
Current draw
Flight Controller
Current consumption
Flight Controller
FC Pitch angle
Flight Controller
FC Roll angle
Flight Controller
FC Yaw angle
Flight Controller
Flight mode
Flight Controller
Vertical Speed
Flight Controller w/ Baro