The Trainer screen is where you can configure the CPPM passthrough mode and method. When enabled, this allows the CPPM signals from a radio in Slave mode to be passed through to another radio in Master mode which will then pass the signal to the model it is connected to. CPPM passthrough can be used for several different use cases, such as: connecting a head tracker, Instructor / Student training mode, and controlling complex models that require more stick inputs than available on a standard transmitter.
Master mode - This is the mode for the radio that will be connected to the model. This radio also shall configure the special/global function (Trainer) to activate the passthrough mode. When the passthrough mode is activated, the CPPM signals from the radio in Slave mode will be sent to the model for control.
Slave mode - This is the mode for the radio that will pass it's CPPM values to the radio in Master mode, which are then sent to the model.
Below are the possibile configuration options:
Off - Trainer mode is not used for this model.
Master / Jack - Master mode using a cable connection.
Slave / Jack - Slave mode using a cable connection.
Channel Range - This is the range of channels that will be sent to the radio in Master mode. Channel 10 is the recommended last channel to use.
PPM Frame - The first field is the length of the PPM frame. The second field is the stop length/delay between pulses. The dropdown is to select the polarity of the signal. Note: In most cases, the default setting does not need to be changed.
Master / Bluetooth - Master mode using a Bluetooth connection (if installed in radio).
Slave / Bluetooth - Slave mode using a Bluetooth connection (if installed in radio).
Master / Multi - Master mode using an additional externally mounted Multi-protocol module for the connection. For more information on this setup, see Set-up wireless trainer with MPM
Further configuration settings for trainer mode can be found under radio settings, Trainer
The purpose of this user manual is to consolidate information from the community about the setup, configuration, and use of EdgeTX. The goal is to be your "one-stop shop" for information about anything related to EdgeTX. It is broken down into the following areas:
If you would like to contribute to this guide, please take a look at the Contribute to the User Manual page.
The user guide explains all the configuration options available in EdgeTX as well as some high-level theoretical information about EdgeTX usage and model controls. It is broken into sections - one section covering the interface for Color Screen Radios and one section covering the interface for Black and White screen radios.
The How-to section will provide detailed instructions about how to configure model or user-specific use cases in EdgeTX. It will cover common use cases as well as rare and specific use cases. This section of the manual will steadily grow as new How-to articles are submitted by contributors.
The EdgeTX Companion User Guide will cover the different features and functions of EdgeTX Companion and the EdgeTX Simulator as well as common use cases for both. Note: This section is currently planned, but work on it has not been started.
This section of the knowledge base will contain links to additional resources that EdgeTX users may find useful. The external pages that are linked here are not maintained by EdgeTX. However, they are listed as they may be useful sources of additional information relating to EdgeTX.
See the Contributors section for a list of direct and indirect contributors.
The Model Settings screen contains all the options to configure your model. Across the top of the page you will see icons that will take you to different pages of model settings when selected. The default screen for model settings is theModel Setup screen.
The icons at the top of the screen include (in order from left to right):
Heli Setup (only visible if EdgeTX is custom compiled with this option.)
EdgeTX supports the following color screen radios:
FlySky NV14 / EL18
FrSky X10 / X10S / X10 Express / X10S Express
FrSky X12S / X12S-IRSM
Jumper T16 / T16 Plus / T16 Pro Hall
Jumper T18 / T18 Lite / T18 Pro
RadioMaster/Eachine TX16S / RadioMaster TX16S MAX / RadioMaster TX16S Mark II
The user interface of EdgeTX can be navigated by physical buttons, the touch interface, or a combination of both.
[SYS] - System Button - Short press [SYS] button to go to the Radio Settings page.
[MDL] - Model Button - Short press [MDL] button to go to the Model Settings page - Long press [MDL] button to go to the Select Model page
[RTN] - Return / Back - Short press [RTN] button to return to the previous page, previous menu or cancel action
[PAGE>] / [PAGE<] - Page next & page previous - Used to navigate between different screens, tabs, or options settings, depending on the screen.
[TELE] - Telemetry - Press the [TELE] button to go to the Screen Settings page
[Roller] or [Dial] - Next & previous value The roller is used to navigate through menu options.
[Enter] - Accept - Used to select option, function or accept value - Push [Roller] or [Dial] button to select or enter.
Certain radios are equipped with a touch screen. On these radios, you can interface with the menu options either with touch or physical buttons.
It is possible to disable the touch interface by configuring a special function. See Special Functions for more information.
Touch the EdgeTX icon in the upper left corner of the screen to open the main navigation menu. Touch the desired menu option to select it.
For models that have Display Checklist enabled in the Preflight Checks screen and a valid model checklist file in the Models folder you will see a Model Notes icon instead of the Channel Monitor icon.
Pressing the roller from the main screen will also open the main navigation menu. You can then scroll using the roller to the desired menu option and select it by pressing the roller.
General model settings
The model setup page is the default page for model settings and is where you start to configure your model. It contains the following settings:
Enter the desired name for the model. The maximum number of characters is 15.
Here you may assign a label from your defined label list. By default, the model label will be Unlabeled. More information on creating labels can be found on the Select Model page.
When the folder icon is selected, a window will pop up allowing you to select an image file from the images folder on your SD Card.
To avoid performance issues, the model image size should not exceed 192 x 114 pixels.
https://www.skyraccoon.com/ has a large repository of free image files that can be used with EdgeTX.
When enabled, global functions programmed in the radio settings will apply to this model. When disabled, global functions will not apply to this model.
Global functions are special functions that are applied across all models. Refer to Special Functions for information on configurable settings.
Enables/disables the ADC filter for this model. The global option will take the value designated in the radio settings, which is on by default.
The ADC filter is a filter for the proportional channels (sticks, pots, sliders), smoothing out smaller fast movements that occur due to noise in the system electronics. Normally, this filter should be disabled for models with flight controllers.
The configuration settings for both the Internal and External RF pages work the same. The only difference is that the Internal RF section is for configuring the built-in module and the External RF section is for configuring an RF module in the external module bay.
The Internal / External RF modules are "active" for a model when the buttons are yellow and inactive when they are white.
The configuration options are: off or the module name of the installed module as configured in the hardware section of the Radio settings. Configuration options are unique to each installed module. Please consult the manufacturer's documentation for configuration options.
Configuration options for the multi-protocol module are described here: https://www.multi-module.org/using-the-module/protocol-options
The receiver number is a user-assigned number for a model that is sent to the receiver when bound. Each model must have a unique receiver number. However, models using different protocols may have the same receiver number without issues. EdgeTX will inform you when a receiver number is unique or if it is already being used with a text above the number field.
If using the radio in gamepad mode, both internal and external RF modules should be turned off. This will result in increased performance when connected to a computer via USB.
The select model screen allows you to create new models, select which model is active, create and apply model labels, and create model templates.
The active model's name will be highlighted (yellow in this case) and displayed on the screen's top bar. Double-tapping an active model will give you the following options:
Duplicate model - This option creates an exact duplicate of the model with the same name. Changes to the model name or other settings need to be made in the Model Settings tab.
Edit Labels - When this option is selected, all configured labels will be displayed and can be selected for this model. More Information about Model Labels is below.
Save as template - this option saves a copy of the model as a model template.
Changes to models saved as templates do not update the templates themselves.
Double-tapping on a non-active model (unhighlighted) will give you the following options:
Select model - this option selects this model as the active model.
Duplicate model - same as described above.
Delete model - this option moves the model to the deleted folder on the SD Card. Only models that are not active can be deleted.
Edit Labels - same as described above.
Save as template - same as described above.
To create a new model, select the New Model button in the upper right corner. You will then be presented with the following options:
Blank Model - This will create a blank model with only the default options configured.
PERSONAL - This option will allow you to select one of your saved model templates and then create a copy of it as a new model.
SoarETX - This will display pre-configured model templates for radio-controlled model sailplanes.
WIZARD - This will launch the new model wizard and create the model as configured in the wizard.
Model labels allow you to give each model one or more labels. You are then able to filter the models displayed in the Model Select screen based on the labels that you select. This allows people with many configured models to find them easier. By default, the Favorites and Unlabeled labels are created automatically. All models are considered unlabeled until a label is applied to them.
To filter the visible models based on their labels, select the filter or filters from the left column. It will automatically filter out the models that do not have those model labels.
To assign a label to a model, double-tap on the model or press [Enter] when the model is selected and then select Edit Labels. Once selected, all configured labels will be displayed and one or more labels can be selected for this model. Labels applied to the model will be designated with a check icon.
To create a new model label, select the New button on the bottom left of the screen. The Enter Label pop-up will appear and you can enter the desired label name. Select Save to save the new label.
Long press [Enter] or long tap on desired label and you be shown a menu with the following options:
Rename Label - change the label's name
Delete Label - Deletes the label from the label list and from all models that have it assigned.
Move Up - positions the label higher on the list
Move Down - - positions the label lower on the list
The icons below the label list are for sorting the filtered models. Models can be sorted either alphabetically or by the last time they were selected as described in the image below.
EdgeTX has to possibility to select a specific source and trim for the model throttle and allows for the following configuration options:
Reverse: When enabled, this option reverses the output direction of the configured throttle channel.
Source: The source that will be used for the throttle.
Trim idle only: When enabled, the throttle trim will only affect the bottom portion of the throttle band.
For example, with Trim idle only enabled, the throttle stick at the lowest point might have a value of -80 and the center point will still be 0 and the highest point of 100. Without this enabled, the throttle stick at the lowest point might have a value of -80 however, the center point will be 20 and the highest point of 100.
Trim switch: The trim switch that will be used to trim the throttle. It is possible to substitute the throttle trim switch with the aileron, rudder, or elevator trim switches.
The Heli Setup page in Model Settings is an optional page that is available on custom-compiled versions of EdgeTX. The heli setup page is often used for collective pitch mixing (CCPM) used in flybared helicopters where the receiver directly controls the swashplate servos. Most flybarless helicopters do not need to configure this page. The outputs of the CCPM mixer are CYC1, CYC2, and CYC3, which need to be assigned to an output channel on the Mixes screen.
The heli setup page has the following configuration options:
Swash Type - Swash type for your model. Options are 120, 120x, 140, and 90.
Swash Ring - Set the swash ring limit only as needed. 1 = maximum limit -> 100 or 0 = no limit.
Long. cyc. source - Select source input.
Lateral cyc.source -Select source input.
Coll. pitch source - Select source input.
Weight - Percentage value of the stick travel to use.
Trims are used adjust the center position of a given stick axis. EdgeTX has the following time configuration options:
Reset - This resets all trim values to zero.
Trim Step: Defines the amount of increase/decrease in trim when the trim switch is pressed.
Course = 1.6%
Medium = 0.8%
Fine = 0.4%
Extra Fine = 0.2%
Exponential = 0.2% near the center and the step value increases exponentially as the distance from the center increases.
Extended Trims: Increases the maximum trim adjustment value from ±25% to ±100%.
When switching from extended trims to normal trims, the extended trim value will remain until the trim is adjusted, then it will jump to the max/min normal trim value.
Display trims: When set to ON, it will display the numerical trim value on the trim bar. When set to CHANGE, it will display the numerical value once the trim is no longer at zero.
EdgeTX provides 3 timers that can be custom programmed. Below are the configuration options.
Name: Name of the timer
OFF- The timer is not used
ON - The timer runs all the time
Start -The timer starts once the configured switch is activated. After the time is started, the timer ignores the switch position.
Throttle - The timer starts once the throttle is raised and the configured switch is activated. The timer will stop counting if either the throttle position is lowered back to the minimum value or the configured switch is deactivated.
Throttle % - The timer counts proportionally to the throttle. It counts in real time at full throttle and at half speed at 50% throttle.
Throttle Start - The timer starts once the throttle is raised and the configured switch is activated. After starting, the timer ignores the throttle position and will keep counting unless the switch is deactivated.
Switch- Select the switch that will trigger the timer to start. If no switch is selected, the timer will trigger based only on the configured mode. In addition to a switch, you can also select a trim, a telemetry source (triggered when telemetry data is received from that source), or physical activity (stick movement or button press) (labeled as ACT)
Those items with a "!" mark in front of the trigger name mean that the condition is reversed. For example, "!SA-" means "when SA switch is not in middle/center position (= up or down)".
Start- The time used for the timer's advanced functions. The default value is 00:00 and when left as such, the timer operates like a stopwatch, counting upward until stopped. If a different time is entered in this box, then the additional Direction drop-down menu option will appear.
Direction - If set to Show Remaining, the counter will function like a countdown timer - counting down from the designated time to zero and then alerting the user. If set to Show Elapsed, the timer functions like an alarm, counting up from zero until the designated time and then alerting the user.
Minute Call - If selected, you will be notified every minute that passes as described in the Count Down option.
Count Down:
Silent - No notification is given until the timer reaches zero. When it reaches zero, you will hear one beep.
Beeps - The radio will beep every second starting at the time designated.
Voice - The radio will count down by second starting at the time designated.
Haptic -The radio will vibrate every second starting at the time designated.
Off - The timer value is reset when switching models or when the radio is turned off / on.
The Flight persistent setting can be set for multiple timers and then these timers can be reset simultaneously with the Reset flight option.
Flight modes allow you to have different trim settings for each flight mode. Once multiple flight modes are configured, you can adjust the trim settings in each flight mode without affecting the trim settings in other flight modes (unless they are configured to do so). There are 9 possible flight modes to use, with Flight Mode 0 being the default flight mode.
The Flight Mode screen displays buttons for each flight mode. Flight mode buttons in yellow designate the current active flight mode. Selecting a flight mode button will take you to the configuration page for that flight mode.
Check FM Trims: When the check FM trims button is pressed, the trims for the current flight mode are temporarily disabled. This is used to test the impact of the current flight mode’s trims on the outputs.
The flight mode conifiguration screen has the following options:
Name: The custom name for the flight mode. If configured, this name will be shown on the lower center position of the main screen between the trims.
Switch: The trigger to enable that flight mode. It can be a switch, pot, telemetry, trim or logical switch.
Fade in: Gradually change the trim value when this flight mode is enabled. Specify the time in seconds (0.0 - 25.0) until the value change is completed.
Fade out: Gradually change the trim value when this flight mode is disabled. Specify the time in seconds (0.0 - 25.0) until the value change is completed.
Trims: Once the Setup button is selected, the trim setup screen will be shown.
To configure the trims, select the trim that you want to configure to make sure that it is turned on (yellow). Then select the flight mode (0-8) that will provide the initial trim value and modifier (= or +) from the drop-down menu.
Modifier - there are two possible value modifiers = and +. The = modifier uses the trim value directly from the selected flight mode. The + modifier uses the trim value from the selected flight mode and then adds the trim value from the flight mode you are configuring.
Example 1: If you are configuring FM1 and set the value to =0, FM1 will have the trim value of the current value of the same trim in FM0. In this case, changes made to the trim in FM1 will also affect the trim in FM0 and vice-versa.
Example 2: If you are configuring FM1 and set the value to +0, FM1 will have the trim value of the same trim in FM0, plus any trim changes made while in FM1, In this case, changes made to the trim in FM1 do not affect the trim in FM0. However, changes to trim values FM0 will affect trim values in FM1.
If the trim is turned off (white) on the Trims setup page, you will not be able to adjust it at all on the main screen.
To be able to support many different types of radio transmitters, EdgeTX uses a generic control data flow that can be applied to any radio transmitter. In this data flow, any of the radio's physical controls (sticks, switches, sliders, pots) can be mapped to an input in the software. These inputs can be directly assigned or combined with other inputs into a single mix. These mixes can be modified by applying weights, offsets, and curves and are then assigned a channel for output. Final adjustments to the control data are made (including subtrims, curves, endpoint, and center values) before finally sending the control data to the RF module. The flowchart below depicts a visual summary of this control data flow. Detailed information about the flow is provided in the following sections , , and .
EdgeTX uses the icons below to designate different types of sources.
Throttle, Throttle %, and Throttle Start can be triggered by a switch, dial, or the value of another channel instead of just the throttle. This is specified in Source field of the section in Model Setup
Flight - The timer value is NOT reset when switching models or when radio is turned off / on. The timer value is only reset when the Reset flight option is selected in the menu.
Manual Reset - The timer value is reset only when it is individually selected to be reset (example: Reset timer1) in the menu.