Pressing the [SYS] button from the Main view will open the Tools screen.
The Tools page in Radio Settings is where you can select Lua script-based tools for execution. Lua scripts that are located on the SD card in the Tools folder will be listed here. Selecting a tool will execute it. By default, EdgeTX includes several tools. Other tools can be downloaded and added to the SD card as well. The following tools are included in the default EdgeTX SD card.
The Wizard Loader tool assists you in setting up a new model by running a setup wizard for a particular model type. Once the model type is selected, the wizard will take you through a series of prompts and then configure your selected model based on the information provided.
NOTE: The wizard does not create a new model, it only configures the currently selected model. You must manually create a new model first and then run the wizard. If you run this wizard on an already configured model, it will overwrite your model settings!
Additional EdgeTX compatible Lua scripts can be downloaded from: https://github.com/EdgeTX/lua-scripts
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the SD Card screen.
The Trainer screen in Radio Settings is used to configure how the radio in Master mode will handle the signals from the radio in Slave mode. It contains the below configuration options.
For each of the four main control inputs (Ail, Ele, Thr, Rud), the following options can be configured (for each row, from left to right).
Mode - How the radio in Master mode will handle the signals from the radio in Slave mode.
OFF - Stick values from the radio in Master mode will be used - no input from the radio in Slave mode.
+= Adds the stick values from both the radios in Master and Slave modes.
:= Replaces the stick values from the radio in Master mode with the stick values from the radio in Slave mode. (Default)
Weight - Percentage of stick travel to use of the radio in Slave mode. Use negative values to change the stick direction.
Source channel - The channel from the radio in Slave mode that is mapped the control input.
Multiplier - This value changes the weight of all the sticks together.
Cal (calibrate)- Sets the center stick value of the radio in Slave mode.
The trim from the radio in Master mode is usually used. Set the trims on the radio in Slave mode to their center.
The radio in Master mode is the one that gets bound to the model receiver.
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Hardware screen.
Global functions are special functions that apply to all models on the Radio. They are configured exactly as model Special Functions and the same functions are available. For more information about configuring Global Functions, refer to the Special Functions section as they are essentially the same.
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Trainer screen.
The Hardware screen is where you configure hardware specific-settings for your radio. It shows all physical hardware objects (sticks, pots, switches) and allows for their modifications. It is also where you can calibrate your sticks and pots. It also contains additional configuration options.
To calibrate your physical radio controls (sticks, pots, sliders, & 6-position switch), highlight the [Calibration] option and press the [Enter] button. The radio will prompt you through the calibration steps.
For your gimbal calibration, use a left-to-right & up-to-down movement for the gimbals, not a circular movement! Additionally, use the normal amount of pressure at the endpoints. Excessive endpoint pressure will cause the gimbal to be miscalibrated. Also, do not forget to calibrate your 6-position switch!
Selecting one of the Sticks, Pots, or Switches lines from the list will allow you to add a 3 character label to the control as well as change the type of control as needed.
Batt. Calib (Battery Calibration) - Set this value to match the transmitter battery voltage. This ensures that the displayed battery voltage is accurate.
RTC Batt - The current voltage of the RTC battery. The RTC (real time clock) battery keeps the radio's date and time accurate even when no main radio battery is present.
Check RTC - When enabled, checks the RTC battery at startup and warns you if the battery voltage is low.
Audio Mute - When enabled, puts the transmitter in mute mode until a sound needs to be played. This prevents interference noise from high-powered TX modules from coming out of the transmitter speakers.
Internal RF Type - Select the module type for the internal module bay. Options are: Multi, XJT, ISRM, CRSF. When CRSF is selected, you can also select the baud rate. You can read more about baud rates here.
Sample Mode (External RF)- Options are Normal and OneBit. The default setting of Normal should be used by most users. Only users of X9D+ and X7 radios may want to use OneBit mode.
The X9D+ and X7 radios have a slow inverter that causes problems with the reception of fast UART signals, resulting in telemetry warnings and issues with LUA scripts using the CRSF protocol. A 10k resistor on the circuit board could be replaced to fix the issue, but this was not always effective. EdgeTX has developed OneBit Mode, which changes the UART sampling behavior to ignore slow leading edges, allowing the CRSF protocol to be run at the full 400k baud rate without hardware modifications to the radio.
Note: This option is only visible on custom compiled versions of EdgeTX with the Bluetooth flag enabled.
Mode - mode that the bluetooth module will be used in. The options are:
--- - Off
Telemetry - used for sending telemtry data over bluetooth.
Trainer - used for bluetooth trainer mode
One a mode is selected, you will see the following information:
PIN Code - PIN code for bluetooth device in the radio (visible in Telemetry mode only)
Local addr - Identifying address of the bluetooth device in the radio.
Dist addr - Identifying address of bluetooth device that radio is connected to.
Name - the name the bluetooth device will be seen as.
Serial Port - Displays a list of available auxiliary serial ports that can be configured and used. The listed ports are based on the ports that are available in the particular radio hardware. The ports listed below are for example only and may not be present in your radio.
AUX1 - First available auxiliary serial port can be configured with the below options:
OFF - Turned off.
Telem Mirror - The same telemetry data that goes to the external module bay is sent to the serial port.
Telemetry In - Receive telemetry data over the serial port.
SBUS Trainer - Connect the Instructor and Student radios over the serial port.
LUA - Send/receive data to/from Lua script.
GPS - Receive GPS telemetry data over the serial port.
CLI - Send commands to the radio via the command line.
USB-VCP - Virtual COM Port. This is one of the options presented when connecting your radio to the PC with most radios. Is often set to 'CLI' for radios with internal ExpressLRS RF modules in order to do firmware updates.
ADC Filter - Enables or disables the ADC Filter. This filter can also be enabled/disabled per model in the model settings.
The ADC filter is a filter for the proportional channels (sticks, pots, sliders), smoothing out smaller fast movements that occur due to noise in the system electronics. Normally, this filter should be disabled for models with flight controllers.
RAS - (Formerly SWR) Reflected antenna signal. Lower numbers are better, with a 1:1 ratio being theoretically the best. Not supported by all RF Protocols.
The debug section allows for testing and debugging of the analog controls and keys.
Debug Analogs - These screens will show you the data for your analog controls (Sticks, Sliders, Pots, 6-position switch). There are two views - Calibrated Analogs, Raw Analogs (5 Hz).
Debug Keys - This screen will show you the digital data for your keys, switches, trims, and the rotary encoder (roller).
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Version screen.
The Radio Setup screen is where you configure basic settings for your radio. It contains the following options:
Date - The current date. This date is used for the SD card log files.
Time - The current time. This time is used for the SD card log files.
Batt. range - Sets the maximum and minimum voltage for the battery meter. This should be set based on the type of battery you are using.
Mode - configures when to play sounds.
All - Beeps when the buttons are pressed and sounds are played when there are alerts or warnings.
No Key - No beeps when buttons are pressed or the scroll wheel is turned but does play sounds when there are alerts or warnings. Also plays sounds triggered by special functions.
Alarm - Only plays alarm or warning sounds. Also plays sounds triggered by special functions.
Quiet - No Beeps or sounds are played.
Volume - The master volume for the radio.
Beep Volume - Self-explanatory
Beep Length - Self-explanatory
Beep Pitch - Self-explanatory
Wav volume - The volume for alerts and warnings and sounds that are played with the Play track special function
Bg volume - The volume for background .wav files (music) that are played with the BGMusic special function
Volume - Volume for variometer beeps
Pitch zero - Low pitch frequency
Pitch max - High pitch frequency
Repeat Zero - The time before the tone repeats in milliseconds
Note: In order for the variometer to function, it must be turned on via the Vario special or global function. See Special Functions for more information on how to configure this.
Mode - configures when the radio vibrates.
All - Vibrates when the buttons are pressed and when there are alerts or warnings.
No Key - No vibrations when buttons are the pressed or scroll wheel is turned but does vibrate when there are alerts or warnings.
Alarm - Only vibrates for alarms or warning sounds.
Quiet - No vibrations are made
Length - Duration of vibration.
Strength - Strength of vibration
Contrast - Screen contrast setting.
Battery Low - Voltage to trigger low battery alarm.
Inactivity - Time to trigger inactivity warning.
Memory low - Enable/disable low memory warning.
Sound Off - An "alarms disabled" visual warning is displayed when the transmitter is turned on if the sound mode is set to quiet.
RSSI Shutdown - Checks if a receiver is still connected to the radio on attempted shutdown. Makes a audio and visual alert if one is detected.
Off – Always off.
Keys – Turns on when buttons are pressed.
Ctrl – Turns on when sticks, switches, and knobs are used.
Both – Turns on when buttons, sticks, switches, and knobs are used.
ON – Always on.
Duration - The length in seconds that the backlight is on. The minimum value is 5 seconds. The maximum value is 600 seconds.
Brightness - Screen brightness level.
Alarm - The backlight turns on when there are alarms or warnings.
Splash Screen - Duration to display the splash screen.
Power On delay - The delay between when the power button is pushed and when the radio turns on. The options are: 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s
Pwr Off delay - The delay between when the power button is pushed and when the radio shuts off. The options are: 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s. It is recommended to set at least a 1s delay in order to prevent the radio from being shut off in the case of an accidental button press.
Owner ID - Custom registration ID used only for users with ISRM modules.
Time Zone - Time zone radio is operated in.
Adjust RTC - Adjust the transmitter's real-time clock to match the time determined by the GPS.
GPS Coords - The GPS coordinate format that will be displayed.
Country code - Used by some RF modules to ensure adherence to local regulatory RF requirements. Options are America, Japan, Europe.
Voice language - Language for the voice pack. This setting and the voice pack folder on the SD card must match for the sounds to be played.
Units - Units of measure. Options are metric or imperial.
Play delay (sw. mid pos) - The minimum time in milliseconds a switch must be in the middle position before a special function will get activated. This is used to prevent the middle position from being activated on a three-position switch when switching from low position to high position.
USB Mode - Sets the default action when a USB cable is plugged into the USB data port and the radio is powered on. Options are: Ask, Joystick, Storage, and Serial.
Def Chan Ord - The default channel order for new models and the trainer screen. The letters stand for: A = Aileron, E = Elevator, T = Throttle, R = Rudder. Changing this setting does not affect existing models.
RotEnc Mode (Rotary Encoder Mode) - Set to Normal by default. The Inverted option reverses the direction of the roller.
Mode - The stick mode that will be used for the transmitter. Defined by what actions the left stick takes. The options are:
1: Left = yaw+pit (pitch)
2: Left = yaw+thr (throttle)
3: Left = rol (roll)+pit (pitch)
4: Left = rol (roll)+thr (throttle)
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Global Functions screen.
The SD Card screen shows you the contents of your SD card, allows you to navigate the folders and interact with the files in the folders. All folders contain a README.txt file that describes what type of files belong in this folder. After selecting a file in one of the folders, you will be presented with some of the options below, depending on the file type that was selected:
Assign bitmap - Assigns the selected image file as the model image of the currently selected model.
Copy - Copies the selected file.
Delete - Deletes the selected file.
Execute - Executes a Lua script. Used for files ending in .lua
Flash [target]- Flashes the selected firmware file to the select target module. Examples: Flash Bootloader, Flast Internal Multi.
Paste - Pastes the copied file.
Play - Plays the selected sound file.
Rename - Renames the file.
View text - Views the selected .txt or .csv file.
The folders listed on the SD card screen are the same as what you will see when connecting your radio to your computer. Below are the folder names and explanations for all the folders that come with the default EdgeTX SD Card.
The backup folder contains model files for models that were backed up from the EEPROM. This folder will only be present on radios that store the model files in EEPROM.
Place the firmware files that you want to flash in this folder. This folder is empty by default (except for the readme.txt file). When selecting a .bin file you will be given the option to flash the firmware to a particular module. Also, only firmware files in this location will be visible from the bootloader menu.
NOTE: This folder is only used for radios with 212x64 displays.
Place your custom model image files in this folder. This folder is empty by default (except for the readme.txt file). Selecting an image file will give you the option to Assign Bitmap, which assigns the selected image file as the model image of the currently selected model.
The ideal image size for model images is 64x32 pixels. The picture format should be .bmp The image file name should not exceed 9 characters and the image formatting should be 4 bit indexed colored mode.
https://www.skyraccoon.com/ has a large repository of free image files that can be used with EdgeTX.
This is where the log files that are configured in the special function SD Logs are written. These files can be viewed with the View text option. This folder is empty by default (except for the readme.txt file).
This is where the model files, label information, and preflight checklists are stored. Each model will have a model[#].yml file that contains all configured options.
Models that are deleted via the radio will be moved to the DELETED folder that is included in this folder. The remaining model files are what will be visible on the Model Select screen.
If you have configured the Display checklist option in model settings, the model notes file goes in this folder. The model notes file must be a .txt file and must have the EXACT same name as the model it is for, for example: Mobula6.txt. The text in the file is up to the user.
This folder contains the radio.yml file. This file contains all the radio configuration data. If this file is corrupted or missing, the radio will go into Emergency Mode and will create a new radio.yml file with the default settings.
If the radio.yml file is manually edited, the manuallyEdited: tag must be set to 1 in the radio.yml file or the radio will think it is corrupted, go into Emergency Mode and will create a new radio.yml file with the default settings. The original .yml file will be saved in the folder.
This is where the screenshot image files that are configured in the special function Screenshot are written. This folder is empty by default (except for the readme.txt file).
This folder and its subfolders are where the Lua scripts get placed. It contains the following sub-folders by default. You can download additional Lua scripts from https://github.com/EdgeTX/lua-scripts.
Functions - This folder is where the functions Lua scripts that can be activated by the special function Lua Script must be placed. This folder is empty by default (except for the readme.txt file). More information about function Lua scripts can be found here: Function Scripts.
Mixes - This folder is where the Lua mixer scripts shall be placed. This folder is empty by default (except for the readme.txt file). More information about Mixer Lua scripts can be found here: Custom Mixer Scripts
Tools - Contains the Lua scripts that are available in the Tools screen.
Wizards - Contains the Wizard Lua scripts that are available in the Tools screen.
This folder is where the EdgeTX sound packs for your radio get placed. The sound packs are language-specific and correlate to the Voice language option in Radio Setup. Selecting a sound file from this folder will give you the option Play, which plays the selected sound file.
Sound packs are available for manual download at: https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx-sdcard-sounds/releases. It is also possible to create custom sounds to use in EdgeTX. For your custom sounds to be playable by EdgeTX ensure that they meet the following criteria:
File Name: 123456.wav (up to 6 characters plus .wav)
Sample Rate: 32 kHz (or 16 Khz, 8Khz)
Bits / Sample: 16 (or 8)
Tracks: 1, mono
Compression Codec: PCM
For a demonstration video of how to make your own custom sounds that will work with EdgeTX, check out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqF7HUsFrnE
Pressing the [PAGE>] button will take you to the Radio Setup screen.
The Version screen displays information about the current EdgeTX version that is being used:
FW - Firmware name
VERS - Firmware version
NAME: Firmware Codename
DATE - Date & time the firmware was compiled
To view the build options that were enabled when compiled, highlight the [Firmware options] options and press the [Enter] button.
To view the Modules / RX Version information about the activated RX modules for the currently selected model, highlight the [Modules / RX Version] option and press the [Enter] button.
A complete list of build options can be found here: